Workers’ compensation benefits are generally available to injured employees regardless of who is at fault in the given accident. Workers’ compensation benefits are paid by the employer’s chosen insurance provider, but it is the obligation of the injured party to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits.
In Illinois workers’ compensation laws require employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance in order to compensation employees for injuries that are sustained while on the job. Workers’ compensation laws also outline the types of injuries that are covered by workers’ compensation and the types of damages that the injured party can claim.
It is critical when you are injured while on the job to contact and receive the assistance of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to avoid being taken advantage of by your employer or an insurance provider.
If you are considering a WORKERS’ COMPENSATION CLAIM, you probably have many questions: How long will it take? What will the process be like? How much will it cost? I am honest and straightforward in the answers I provide. I tell you what your options may be and how the best possible results can be achieved.
Because each situation is different, the best way to get answers to your questions is to talk to me directly. I offer free and confidential consultations.
To schedule a consultation regarding a WORKERS’ COMPENSATION CLAIM, call me at 217-525-7003 or contact me online.